Peter Rabbit Garden

The Peter Rabbit™ Garden is a small but perfectly formed show garden which brings to life the kitchen and cottage gardens you see in Beatrix Potter’s illustrations. The garden captures all sorts of details from the stories – the watering can in which Peter hides, his jacket transformed into a scarecrow and the cos lettuces that Benjamin nibbled on.

We have a little garden

Designed by Chelsea RHS Gold medal winner Richard Lucas, the garden is created with local materials, including Honister slate and Furness bricks and is tended to using organic principles. Growing in the garden are unusual and traditional varieties of fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers which Beatrix Potter would have known and grown in her own garden. You can try some of the seasonal fruit, vegetables and salad we grow in our Café. 

We have a little garden,
A garden of our own
And every day we water there
The seeds that we have sown.

WE love our little garden
And tend it with such care,
You will not find a faced leaf
Or blighted blossom there.

Beatrix Potter, Cecily Parsley’s Nursery Rhymes